Fertility / Pregnancy
Pre-conception & Fertility Support
Issues surrounding fertility appear to be more and more common or more ‘public’ and understood than they once were. Difficulties experienced with conceiving can occur at any age and for many reasons and there may be no quick path to success. This can lead to much physical and emotional stress on an individual and couples.
I will guide & help you through all fertility issues for men & women including poor sperm analysis, unexplained fertility problems, a history of miscarriages, sub-fertility, repeated failed IVF cycles and will support you through IVF treatment.
Whether you have a history of PCO, Endometriosis, Irregular menstrual cycle, elevated FSH, PMS or the age of your egg reserve is in question or your BMI is too high for an assisted fertility programme I will help you improve your overall general and fertility health.
“At the age of 40 and years of fertility problems including failed IVF attempts, I sought Jennie’s help. She was a great comfort & support and within 1yr and 1 final IVF attempt I became pregnant and now have a beautiful daughter”
Ann J.
Pregnancy and Post Natal Care
I offer safe Complementary Health care for a healthy, natural pregnancy and birth for Mum & baby. From a history of miscarriages to health issues in pregnancy or previous Caesarian Section and secondary fertility problems I will help you prepare for a safe, natural delivery of your healthy baby. I have experience, wisdom and knowledge that will help me to help you achieve the best possible outcome.
Moxa treatment is available for Breech position of baby and if you go over your EDD the treatments I can offer you will help relax the body and prepare the uterus for labour.
“The midwives at the birth were very impressed with my progress during labor & how effectively Jennie worked with them.” Jane
“My baby was in a breech position in my final week of Pregnancy, with careful use of Acupuncture & Moxa Jennie encouraged him into the correct position for a Normal delivery” Wonderful.” Sue.
Nutritional Advice
Nutrition is one of the major factors that can influence health and well-being. Whether internally or externally your body requires good nutrients to feed and maintain the cellular balance. To radiate good health through general well being or via your clear youthful looking skin the correct nutrients are required.
Cleanse, Activate and Build the body using Nature’s Sunshine products: www.gowithaglow.co.uk